To register on the AMC Portal / AMC Portal Mobile, please fill in the registration form available here. After registering successfully on the AMC Portal, the same login data can be used for the AMC Portal Mobile application as well. The application is primarily intended for users of unmanned aircraft systems (UAS), to conduct their activities by the automated procedure.
Registration procedure:
1. Fill in the form with correct data (red fields are mandatory) and click on “Register” after entering the security code.
2. You will receive an e-mail verification link at the e-mail address you have entered previously.
3. After verifying your e-mail successfully, you will receive all information you need and an instruction to complete your AMC Portal registration.
4. After submitting all required data/documents, your request will be processed as soon as possible.
5. Following the approval of your AMC Portal registration request, your login data with the initial password will be sent to the e-mail address you submitted and confirmed. You should change the initial password on the AMC Portal website within 24 hours after the registration approval.
6. After changing the password successfully, you can start using the AMC Portal / AMC Portal Mobile right away.
If you have not changed the initial password within 24 hours from receiving our e-mail on successful registration or if you forgot your password, you can reset it here.
The automated approval process for conducting Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) operations is done through the AMC Portal Mobile application in real time on the day of operation if such operations are conducted in UAS Approved Geographical (UAG) zones:
- within the CTR from ground level up to 50m AGL, but outside of the published URG zone;
- outside of the CTR from ground level up to 120m AGL if in the requested airspace, at the requested time, there are no active restrictions of higher priority (P, R, TRA, TSA, URG).
![DRON rules DRON rules](/portals/0/images/CTR-tlocrtni primjer zona ENG.jpg)
![DRON rules DRON rules](/portals/0/images/Vertikalni presjek zp ENG.jpg)
The rules and procedures for the reservation, activation, de-activation and use of airspace through the AMC Portal system can be found HERE.
In Chapter ENR 1.9.2 “Airspace Management and the Flexible Use of Airspace in the Republic of Croatia” of the Aeronautical Information Publication (AIP).
The Web AMC Portal is a tool for publishing information on the reservations of airspace structures for end users, but also a tool which will give the registered users an opportunity to make reservations of airspace structures as well as the supporting communication during the process of making a reservation.
ASM is short for Airspace Management; it is a function of planning with the main aim of enabling the maximum utilization of available airspace as a continuous whole, taking into consideration the real short-term needs of different civil and military airspace users (e.g. airline companies, the military, private business aircraft, aero clubs, companies performing aerial work…).
FUA is short for the Flexible Use of Airspace; it is an airspace management concept, according to which airspace should not be determined as completely civil nor completely military, but it should be considered as a whole, to meet the needs of all users to the maximum extent possible.
AMC is short for the Airspace Management Cell, under the existing regulations, responsible for the day-to-day airspace management as a joint civil/military focal point for airspace management in the Republic of Croatia.
Approved Agencies are units authorized by the State to collaborate with the Airspace Management Cell (AMC) regarding the airspace allocation and utilization matters.
The Civil Approved Agency for civil users of airspace structures is the Civil Approved Agency (CIV AA) of Croatia Control Ltd. (CCL), phone: +385 1 6259592, fax: +385 1 6259552, email:
Notice to Airmen (NOTAM) or urgent information is a message sent by telecommunication, which contains information pertaining to the establishment, status or change on any aircraft device or infrastructure, service, procedure or to an air traffic hazard, the timely publishing of which is essential to the flight operations personnel.
UTC stands for the English language term Coordinated Universal Time which is a single international time standard for global aviation, which represents time zero at 0 degrees East/West (the Greenwich Meridian). The expression “summer period” indicates that part of the year in which “daylight saving time” is in force. The other part of the year is named the “winter period”. The “summer period” is introduced every year on the last Sunday in MAR at 0100 UTC and it ceases on the last Sunday in OCT at 0100 UTC. Local time in the Republic of Croatia is UTC+1 hour during the “winter period”, and UTC+2 hours during the “summer period”.
NUP – National Airspace Use Plan is an ASM message of NOTAM status notifying the daily decision of an Airspace Management Cell on the temporary allocation of the airspace within its jurisdiction for a specific time period, by means of a standard message format. The valid NUP is located at the top of the page of published NUPs.
![An illustrated example NUP](/portals/0/Images/NUP2e.JPG)
AD HOC – Ad-hoc Structure: refers to airspace structures, whether routes or areas, required for meeting operational needs at shorter notice than the ASM Level 1 process. The establishment of such ad-hoc structures at ASM Level 2 or ASM Level 3 should follow the general design and safety management criteria.
AERO. – Uncontrolled Aerodrome: airspace of defined dimensions around an uncontrolled aerodrome (3 kilometers from every edge of the runway and from GND up to 1000 ft) within which RPAS/UAS flying is not allowed without prior approval of an aerodrome operator.
ATZ – Aerodrome Traffic Zone: airspace of defined dimensions established around an aerodrome for the protection of aerodrome traffic.
CBA – Cross-border Area: an airspace restriction or reservation established over international borders for specific operational requirements. It may take the form of a Temporary Segregated Area or Temporary Reserved Area.
CTR – Control Zone: controlled airspace extending upwards from the surface of the Earth to a specified upper limit.
D – Danger Area: airspace of defined dimensions within which activities dangerous to the flight of aircraft may exist at specified times. In the context of the FUA concept, some D areas subject to management and allocation at Level 2 are established at Level 1 as AMC-manageable areas and identified as such in AIP.
a) Danger Area AMC-manageable – D-AMA: a defined volume of airspace temporarily exempted from controlled airspace and inside which rules of the air for VFR flights in uncontrolled airspace are applied (G-class airspace).
b) Equipment requirements are the same as for the use of uncontrolled airspace (G-class airspace).
c) The operational requirement for airspace users is to register on the AMC Portal website and follow the rules and procedures laid down in the section “Rules and Procedures of Web AMC Portal”.
MIL. CORR. – Military Corridor: an airspace corridor of defined dimensions, above the land areas or territorial waters of a State, designed mainly for military low-level flights, within which the flight of other aircraft is restricted during the time when a military corridor is active.
P – Prohibited Area: an airspace of defined dimensions, above the land areas or territorial waters of a State, within which the flight of aircraft is prohibited.
R – Restricted Area: an airspace of defined dimensions, above the land areas or territorial waters of a State, within which the flight of aircraft is restricted in accordance with certain specified conditions. In the context of the FUA concept, some restricted areas subject to management and allocation at ASM Level 2 are established at ASM Level 1 as AMC-manageable areas and identified as such in AIP.
TRA – Temporary Reserved Area: a defined volume of airspace normally under the jurisdiction of one aviation authority authorized by ASM 1 and temporarily reserved, by common agreement, for a specific use by another aviation authority and through which other traffic may be allowed to transit under the ATC clearance.
a) Equipment requirements include two-way radio communication and a transponder.
b) Operational requirements for airspace users are to file a flight plan in accordance with applicable regulations, to register on the AMC Portal website and follow the rules and procedures laid down in the section “Rules and Procedures of Web AMC Portal”.
TSA – Temporary Segregated Area: a defined volume of airspace normally under the jurisdiction of one aviation authority authorized by ASM 1 and temporarily segregated, by common agreement, for the exclusive use by another aviation authority and through which other traffic is not allowed to transit.
a) There are no equipment requirements.
b) The operational requirement for airspace users is to register on the AMC Portal website and follow the rules and procedures laid down in the section “Rules and Procedures of Web AMC Portal”.
URG – UAS Restricted Geographical Zone: a part of airspace above a geographical zone determined by a competent body that is conditionally prohibited for UAS operations, but not for other aircraft and flight activities. UAS flight activities in this zone can be approved as an exception, in line with the laid down ASM procedures. In the context of the FUA concept, URG zones are established through the laid down ASM procedure, and, depending on the nature of the request, can be established temporarily or permanently at an appropriate ASM level.
ULG – UAS Limited Geographical Zone: a part of airspace above a geographical zone determined by a competent body that is restricted for UAS operations, depending on the specifications of the UAS, type of allowed operations and/or the procedure itself for the approval for conducting flight operations. Within this zone, the approval for conducting flight operations can be granted in line with the laid down ASM procedures. In the context of the FUA concept, ULG zones are established through the laid down ASM procedure, and, depending on the nature of the request, can be established temporarily or permanently at an appropriate ASM level.
UAG – UAS Approved Geographical Zone: a part of airspace above a geographical zone determined by a competent body within which UAS operations can be conducted by the shortened procedure for the approval of flight operations. Within this zone, the approval for conducting UAS operations can be granted through the automated procedure by a competent authority or service provider.
UTR – UAS Temporary Reserved Area: airspace of defined dimensions that is temporary reserved exclusively for UAS flights. Other manned aircraft are not allowed through the UTR areas, and pilots should avoid it as such. The ASM service provider can prohibit other UASs from entering the UTR areas at any time.
AMC must, by establishing an ad hoc structure, in the most suitable way for the given airspace situation, restrict or prohibit flights and activities in the specific volume of airspace for all except the approved users in the following cases:
1. At the written request of competent state administration bodies, if necessary for the safety of air traffic and other airspace users’ activities, due to the defense needs of the Republic of Croatia, military and police operations, search and rescue operations, fire control, the protection of state institutions, critical infrastructure and important persons, the protection from the emissions of hazardous and/or harmful substances, gases and phenomena, the Croatian state border control and protection, and the celebration of state anniversaries, parades and events organized by state administration bodies,
2. Due to real operational requirements for a period not longer than 48 hours, if necessary for the safety of air traffic and other airspace users’ activities, due to the defense needs of the Republic of Croatia, military and police operations, search and rescue operations, fire control, the protection of state institutions, critical infrastructure and important persons, the protection from the emissions of hazardous and/or harmful substances, gases and phenomena, the Croatian state border control and protection, and the celebration of state anniversaries, parades and events organized by state administration bodies.
At the request of the AMC, and for the purpose of informing all airspace users, the air navigation service provider shall publish all relevant information in the manner customary in air traffic.
Having regard to the national interests of the Republic of Croatia and user needs, the following priority list is laid down for planned activities requiring the reservation of airspace:
1. Control and protection of the state border of the Republic of Croatia and the Exclusive Economic Zone in the Adriatic Sea,
2. Aerial surveillance in the domain of police and customs tasks,
3. Protection of state authorities, critical infrastructure, and important persons,
4. Securing the area struck by a natural or technological disaster and/or catastrophe,
5. Celebrating state anniversaries, parades, and events organized by state administration bodies,
6. International military exercises and international exercises of other state administration bodies,
7. National military exercises and national exercises of other state administration bodies,
8. International air shows,
9. International aviation championships,
10. National aviation championships,
11. Military test flights,
12. Public interest activities (e.g. aerial work) conducted at the request of the competent state administration body,
13. Military and police training,
14. Training at the request of other state bodies,
15. Civil training flights,
16. Commercial manned aircraft aerial work operations,
17. Commercial unmanned aircraft aerial work operations,
18. Sports and recreational activities of manned aircraft and parachute jumps,
19. Sports and recreational activities of unmanned aircraft,
20. Releasing and launching objects into the atmosphere (e.g. unmanned free balloons, children’s balloons, sky lanterns, fireworks, lighting effects...),
21. Experimental activities for educational purposes.
If more users submit a request for the same portion of airspace for an activity to be conducted at the same time and of the same priority level, the requested airspace will be allocated to the user whose request was submitted first. Alternatively, two or more users can agree to work together in the same airspace at the same time if they clearly designate the user responsible for the allocated airspace.
In case of unforeseen events, the AMC can decide to discontinue activities in reserved airspace in the following situations:
a) Emergency flights,
b) Flights of Croatian military aircraft for the protection of sovereignty of the Republic of Croatia (STS/PROTECTED),
c) Search and rescue flights and humanitarian flights (STS/SAR/HUM),
d) Medical flights transporting sick or injured persons requiring emergency medical assistance, including the flights for the purpose of providing emergency medical assistance to sick or injured persons, as well as flights transporting transplants, blood, and medication, including the flights for boarding patients, medication, transplants or blood at the place of destination (STS/HOSP),
e) Flights for heads of states (STS/HEAD) and flights for prime ministers and other state officials with the established preferential status (STS/STATE),
f) Interception training flights of Croatian military aircraft,
g) Securing the area struck by a natural or technological disaster and/or catastrophe,
h) Urgent police and customs operations.
For this purpose, all airspace users reserving airspace structures shall submit to the Airspace Management Cell the contact details of the person responsible/head of activities who shall be available for the Airspace Management Cell via a means of communication (mobile or fixed line) for the whole duration of the activity.
Observation flights according to international agreements binding on the Republic of Croatia are prioritized pursuant to the agreement in force.
The list of aerodrome operators can be found here.
Ad hoc structures are all temporary airspace structures, i.e. volumes or routes established by the shortened ASM procedure, which have to be established due to operational needs, and for the establishment of which the full Level 1 ASM process cannot be conducted due to the nature of operational needs or time restrictions. The process for the establishment of such structures is conducted at ASM Levels 2 and 3, with respect to general design and safety criteria, and determining the class and type of the structure.
An ASM Informing System is a publicly available information system used by providers of ASM services to publish information for their users about airspace restrictions and prohibitions.
A UAS geographical zone is a geographical zone determined by a competent body to make UAS operations easier or to restrict or prohibit them, while taking into account risks related to safety, privacy, personal data protection, security or environment arising out of these operations. To enable and facilitate the informing of airspace users about the status of UAS geographical zones, these airspace structures are introduced: URG, ULG and UAG.
A URG zone is a part of airspace above a geographical zone determined by a competent body that is conditionally prohibited for UAS operations, but not for other aircraft and flight activities. UAS flight activities in this zone can be approved as an exception, in line with the laid down ASM procedures. In the context of the FUA concept, URG zones are established through the laid down ASM procedure, and, depending on the nature of the requirement, can be established temporarily or permanently at an appropriate ASM level.
A ULG zone is a part of airspace above a geographical zone determined by a competent body that is restricted for UAS operations, depending on the specifications of the UAS, type of allowed operations and/or the procedure itself for the approval for conducting flight operations. Within this zone, the approval for conducting flight operations can be granted in line with the laid down ASM procedures. In the context of the FUA concept, ULG zones are established through the laid down ASM procedure, and, depending on the nature of the requirement, can be established temporarily or permanently at an appropriate ASM level.
A UAG zone is a part of airspace above a geographical zone determined by a competent body within which UAS operations can be conducted by the shortened procedure for the approval of flight operations. Within this zone, an approval for conducting UAS flight operations can be granted through the automated procedure by a competent authority or service provider.
A UTR area is airspace of defined dimensions that is temporary reserved exclusively for UAS flights. Other manned aircraft are not allowed through the UTR areas, and pilots should avoid it as such. The ASM service provider can prohibit other UASs from entering the UTR areas at any time.
A U-space Service Provider is a provider with the function of providing the U-space service in the sense of the Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/664 of 22 April 2021 on a regulatory framework for the U-space.
A Common Information Service Provider is a provider with the function of providing the common information service in the sense of the Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/664 of 22 April 2021 on a regulatory framework for the U-space.
An Unmanned Aircraft System means unmanned aircraft systems in the sense of the Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/947 of 24 May 2019. The term Unmanned Aircraft System means all unmanned aircraft systems that are not considered toys in the sense of the Directive 2009/48/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the safety of toys.
A Common Information Service System is a publicly available information system for publishing static and dynamic data laid down for the needs of the Common Information Service (CIS).
U-space airspace is a geographical zone established for conducting UAS flight operations in which operating is allowed only with the support of the U-space service.
Common Information Service means a service encompassing the dissemination of static and dynamic data to enable the provision of U-space services for UAS Traffic Management.