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Frequently Asked Questions

To register on the AMC Portal / AMC Portal Mobile, please fill in the registration form available here. After registering successfully on the AMC Portal, the same login data can be used for the AMC Portal Mobile application as well. The application is primarily intended for users of unmanned aircraft systems (UAS), to conduct their activities by the automated procedure.

Registration procedure:

1. Fill in the form with correct data (red fields are mandatory) and click on “Register” after entering the security code.
2. You will receive an e-mail verification link at the e-mail address you have entered previously.
3. After verifying your e-mail successfully, you will receive all information you need and an instruction to complete your AMC Portal registration.
4. After submitting all required data/documents, your request will be processed as soon as possible.
5. Following the approval of your AMC Portal registration request, your login data with the initial password will be sent to the e-mail address you submitted and confirmed. You should change the initial password on the AMC Portal website within 24 hours after the registration approval.
6. After changing the password successfully, you can start using the AMC Portal / AMC Portal Mobile right away.

If you have not changed the initial password within 24 hours from receiving our e-mail on successful registration or if you forgot your password, you can reset it here.

Croatian personal identification number (OIB) is among the information collected when registering on the AMC Portal. When filling out the registration form in the Croatian language, entering your OIB is mandatory. Foreign nationals who do not have an OIB fill out the registration form in the English language, on the English version of the AMC Portal, where entering your OIB is not mandatory.

Only registered users.

One files a Request for the Reservation of an Airspace Structure through a predefined form which contains obligatory fields where one can enter or select data. The form is activated either by selecting a graphical representation of a structure or by making a selection in a designated place.

Pre-defined airspace structures published in the Aeronautical Information Publication of the Republic of Croatia as well as ad-hoc structures, but by the granted rights, type and manner of use.

It is necessary to register and obtain the approval of the competent ASM level for conducting UAS operations for all UASs that are not considered toys (in the sense of the Directive 2009/48/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the safety of toys). Flying a UAS in uncontrolled airspace (Class G airspace) is conducted by the automated procedure up to 120m AGL through the AMC Portal Mobile application. To fly in uncontrolled airspace at altitudes higher than 120m AGL, prior approval of the Croatian Civil Aviation Agency and Croatia Control has to be obtained, which is valid for the geographical zone of the planned flight operations.

On the day before the activity (D-1), no later than 1100 local time.

Requests regarding the establishment of a new (unpublished) airspace structure filed by domestic and foreign civilian airspace users are submitted on a standardized form to the National Airspace Management Committee through Croatia Control (CCL), Civil Approved Agency (CIV AA), phone: +385 1 6259592, fax: +385 1 6259552, email: The procedure and the standardized form are published in the Aeronautical Information Circular (AIC) for the REPUBLIC OF CROATIA “User Request for the Establishment and/or Change of the Purpose of Use of a Specific Part of Airspace (Zahtjev korisnika za uspostavu i/ili promjenu načina korištenja određenog dijela zračnog prostora)”.

The procedure and forms are published here.

The procedure and forms are published here.

The procedure and forms are published here.

The first step is to contact the Croatian Civil Aviation Agency – Flight Operations and Training Department for approvals/licenses which one should have to do aerial photography by an unmanned aerial vehicle in the Republic of Croatia. Regarding the approval for aerial photography flights and the use of aerial photographs, one should contact the State Geodetic Administration – Sector for Land Surveys, Department for Topographic Surveys and State Maps. Following that, if one meets all specified requirements, one should submit a request for the approval of a special use of controlled airspace. The procedure and the request form can be found here.

The controlled airspace within the boundaries of the Zagreb FIR is airspace above 300 m above terrain and airspace within the boundaries of controlled zones (CTR). The boundaries of the controlled zones can be found here.

To obtain the approval for performing aerial work, one should contact the Croatian Civil Aviation Agency – Flight Authorization Office ( Regarding the approval for aerial photography flights and the use of aerial photographs, one should contact the State Geodetic Administration – Sector for Land Surveys, Department for Topographic Surveys and State Maps. Following the obtaining of required approvals, and in order to give timely notice and to coordinate the areal work operations, contact Croatia Control Ltd. – Civil Approved Agency ( ) seven working days prior to the commencement of the activity.

The procedure and forms are published here. In case of performing parachute jumps on natural sites, one should additionally obtain the approval of the Croatian Civil Aviation Agency – Flight Authorization Office (

The Croatian Civil Aviation Agency – Flight Authorization Office (

At the Aeronautical Publications Department. Contact available here. Online version of the chart by sectors available here.

Altimeter setting procedure can be found here.